Exam time has never been that easy for any student; this single word can give much pressure on the student. Exams have been a crucial part of the education system and a significant source of stress for students. Even the best student or a topper can cut out his sleep and healthy habits during exam times. In short, we can say that exams and stress are related to each other. For any student, it is common to get the feeling of stress and anxiety before exams. However, it is said that a little bit of stress is a good thing; it can be a motivation that you need to get things done. When we feel stressed, our brain triggers a series of adaptions to deal with threats. Remote learning can increase exam stress due to technical difficulties, lack of support from peers and instructors, and difficulty staying focused. We get prepared to react to danger by either fighting, running, or hiding. This biological system is highly effective for dealing with particular stress. Because our brain releases a high degree of Cortisol that can affect the way we think and convert it into rational thoughts.
Adding to the pressure students get from parents and peers, the stress level gets high and sometimes uncontrollable. However, nervousness is needed to keep the pressure to study for exams, but constant stress can lead to unfavourable situations. To avoid bad anxiety, it is necessary to approach with a clear mind and understand how to deal with stress during exams. Self-care tips for teachers related to stress in exams include taking breaks, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly. Dealing with stress is sometimes difficult for students. With an estimation of 20 to 50% annual increase in university students seeking help for exams or studies related to mental health issues, it is clear that students are under more pressure than before. On the other hand, exam anxiety is all in students’ minds in many situations. So let’s discuss some tips to handle stress during an exam.
Tips For Handling Stress During An Exam:

Below we have specified some of the best ways to manage your anxiety level during the exam.
- Concern your time while revising-
Giving preference to your time, subject, and workload can create a difference and help to decrease your stress level. Doing this will ensure that the critical part is being covered at the right time. Make a timetable with the given dates of each exam and how many topics you need to be covered for each subject. This indicates a clear idea of how much time you need to dedicate to each subject and topic. As you start progressing, you will feel a sense of accomplishment and achievement.
- Create a timetable for revision-
Though this is much related to the above one, making a timetable and a to-do list will keep you well prepared. Following a daily routine and remaining to it is suitable for your mind, body, and soul. But remember to take a short break daily.
- Eat healthily and exercise daily-
Sometimes doing a bit of exercise at the last moment of an exam can help you feel better and more relaxed. Exercise makes your blood flow and heart pump; it is a proven stress-buster as it fills your brain with endorphins and happy hormones. You can go to a gym or get yourself ready for a run. The highest-paying jobs often require the most stressful exams, but the rewards can be worth it. Moreover, eating healthy food and keeping your body hydrated during stress are essential for mental health and wellbeing. You can also search for a list of the best food to eat during stress.
- Avoid caffeine-
Avoiding coffee during exam time can help you stay away from stress and anxiety, although it can be difficult for some students. But caffeine is a source that will increase your stress level. If you can’t completely cut out the caffeine intake, then atleast try to limit it or switch it with herbal water or tea.
- Perform mock tests at home-
One of the best ways to lessen stress is to do plenty of practice because one of the most common reasons to get anxiety is a lack of confidence. So try to find past exam papers to get an idea of what type of questions can be asked and what approaches can be used to answer them. It can be beneficial to try out a mock test on topics you are more and less confident about.
- Improve your exam time management-
Most of the students get stressed not only about the exams but also about time management. If you are among those who are worried about running out of time or leaving questions unfinished, then you need to do a lot of practice. While performing the mock test, you can practice time management also.
The Final Thought:
Managing stress and anxiety at the time of exams is difficult for most students. Certainly, this anxiety is very common to student preparing for final exams as well as for their assignments. However, some students learn how to deal and cope with it while others cannot handle it. A little bit of stress is excellent, but it can be harmful to a student’s mental health when the anxiety gets higher. At the time of exams, parents and peers can provide positive support and guidance so that a student can feel more confident. Above, we have listed some standard practices that you can follow to reduce stress.