One of the major challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused is the widespread closure of schools. As a result of global school closures brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, children’s education, physical health, and mental wellbeing have been compromised. It has also impacted and jeopardized students’ learning.
After two years since the forced school closures due to the unprecedented conditions at the time, many countries are debating whether to reopen classrooms amid concerns about the discovery of new variants of coronavirus.
But now that COVID-19 cases are not as rampant (at least for the time being) anymore, safely reopening schools is in the pipeline. However, going back to school in the new normal requires ensuring students’ and teachers’ well-being while managing potential virus transmissions. Technology is helping students study smarter by providing access to personalized learning tools, interactive resources, and collaborative platforms. Education experts and officials should be well-informed on the implications of reviving face-to-face classroom instruction.
5 Tips to Develop and Improve Study Habits
As students prepare to go back to school, it’s a good time to re-examine which study habits can most effectively help them cope with today’s learning environment.
- Designate a suitable place to study
One of the most essential elements of effective study habits is finding a productive study area. The setting should have little to no distractions, so students could stay focused. The library is ideal for accomplishing academic work, but students who want to study somewhere else should make sure they’re well-set.
As such, the campus should be filled with study nooks. While cafeterias can get rather crowded, some university campus cafeterias offer just enough quiet for students to concentrate while having a snack.
Room lighting is another vital factor of a conducive study area. As much as possible, these spaces should be bright and open.
Fire-rated glass can come in handy for this purpose. This type of glass is fitted with several layers of toughened glass that can provide natural light in study environments, positively impacting students’ mood and focus while also acting as a fire barrier and reducing noise from the surroundings.
Improve learning process with study hacks by finding the right study method for you and sticking to a regular study schedule.
- Eliminate distractions for better learning
Now and then, it’s inevitable for students to be distracted by different things. Responding to phone calls or texts can disrupt their momentum and cause them to lose focus.
To counter distractions, students should set rules for themselves and the people around them during study or review sessions. Something as simple as closing the door to the study room can send the message that the person inside doesn’t want to be disturbed.
It’s also normal for students to be exhausted from studying. When this happens, taking a break may be necessary. Here, it’s crucial to find something to do or somewhere to go with as few distractions as possible. It’s acceptable to take some timeout, but one should stay focused on their study goals.
- Don’t overdo it
When it comes to taking breaks, this really shouldn’t be an issue. School can be very demanding, so students deserve a breather.
Taking it easy from time to time is essential for one’s physical and mental health. Studying until the wee hours of the morning to prepare for a major exam may be appropriate for an important subject, but it is not right for students to do that all the time. Students—and parents, for that matter—need to be reminded that grades should only be secondary. Education should be the primary goal.
Regular, scheduled breaks can also help with school performance, as students experience improved memory, attention, and energy levels. Remember, taking care of oneself will enable the person to learn and do better.
- Study with your friends
Creating a study group has various advantages. In a study group, members can help one another in various areas—from solving problems and providing different perspectives to offering encouragement and holding each other accountable for the group’s study goals. Learning online with friends can be a great way to stay motivated, accountable, and engaged. Group study can also be a more pleasant experience than studying alone.
From a student’s perspective, knowing they’re not the only ones having difficulty understanding the lesson can be reassuring. To make group study sessions effective, there should be an objective for everyone.
- Don’t forget what reward can do
Motivating students with a special treat or celebration for maintaining focus and studying well can help them to stay on track. A reward after a long week of studying or acing an exam can help them appreciate more the value of their hard work.
From having a holiday with loved ones, ordering their favorite food, and hanging out with their friends to making time for their favorite hobby—these simple rewards can bring so much joy to hardworking students.
Smart Study Habits
Understanding how to study effectively is a skill, which starts with one’s habit. One needs to invest a lot of time and effort in developing and mastering efficient study abilities, but the result is a lifetime of valuable lessons and learnings.
Author Bio:
Diana San Diego is the VP of Marketing for SAFTI FIRST with over 15 years of experience in public relations, marketing, and the architectural glazing industry. She enjoys golf, wine, and travelling.