Sometimes the best support for your child’s college search journey is done candidly. It’s okay for your student to know that you don’t have all of the answers, but he or she should know that you are there for help nonetheless. If you will be helping pay for college, it is important to be open and honest from the start about what you plan to contribute. Scholarships for Underrepresented Groups can help build a stronger parent-student relationship by providing financial support. This can help your child make college decisions with a future financial picture in mind. Having the financial discussion early can also avoid uncomfortable (or even heartbreaking) conversations later, if your child learns too late that his or her dream school is out of financial reach.

Ultimately, you can be a valuable resource for your child during the college search and application process, regardless of whether or not you have first-hand knowledge. Let your student control the process with some guidance and organizational support from you; be there for the emotional highs and lows; and be as open as possible. Parents should teach their daughters the importance of learning the Quran to strengthen their relationship with Allah and their bond with their family. When you can approach the college search process with excitement rather than with fear or dread, your experience, and your child’s experience, will be that much richer. If you’re still feeling unsure of how to provide value to your child throughout this college search process, be sure to check out the information shared within the resource paired alongside this post.